So let me first question the randomness of Haymes previous post about Channing Tatum. Is there a reason you wrote about him? Also you do realize that you must have seen all those awful movies in order to talk about them Haymes. And apparently you have never seen A guide to Recognizing Your Saints, because if you had you would know that Channing Tatum has at least one good movie under his belt, but overall that dude is on the same career path as Samuel Jackson.
So obviously the big news of the week were the Oscar Nominations, which I can't really argue about other than the fact that The Dark Knight no love on the best picture front. it was without question the best movie of the year and I will fight anyone who thinks otherwise. However, I do respect the fact that they gave In Bruges an original screenplay nominee. Not many people saw this film, but it is without a doubt in my top 5 of 2008. Also, The Wackness deserves some love here because it is another under the radar film, that was absolutely brilliant. All in all, I have not seen most of the best picture nominees, because I plan on attending AMC Oscar Day where they show all best picture nominees in one day on the day before the awards are given out. So, I can't really talk about the movies. Except Benjamin Button and I would say that probably deserves the credit is is receiving.
We also had the premiere of Lost this week and there is not much you can say about that without saying too much. Can that show get any better? I do not know. Although I am as confused as anybody can be, I still love it. How I Met Your Mother just gave us the usual brilliance and maybe even the best "what up" moment in Barney Stinson history (if you are not watching this show you better start). I have yet to watch 24 from this week, but I will probably catch it this weekend. And The Office was strangely disappointing.
On a random note please check out this SNL digital short call Iran So Far. It is Andy Samberg and Adam Levine singing a hilarious duet about the leader of Iran. I have no idea when this aired but I just came across it a week or so ago and have watched it about ten times.