I'm not going to lie, i am a closet Dane Cook fan... i mean i know that's like "uncool" to say because he has done SO many shitty movies that i keep seeing hoping that one will be his break out role and i always finish each movie with a sour taste in my mouth... Then i look at this movie, "My Best Friends Girl" i mean just the idea for the movie is SO brilliant, i mean I'm sold right there...That's it I'm buying it, fuck it...
Shit now I'm thinking about Kate Hudson... i mean can she be in a romantic comedy without Matthew Mcconaughey??? i mean really can she? those two are like the SAM and Diane of romantic comedies, wait did that make sense?? you know sam and diane from cheers? anyways you get what I'm saying... i really don't see her and Dane working "chemistry" wise, i already know whats going to happen, I'm going to be sitting there watching her and waiting for Mcconaughey to pop on the screen and he'll never show. and when he doesn't show I'm going to be really pissed and that is going to take away from the movie... why cant Kate Hudson and Matthew Mcconaughey do all their movies together, and be the only two allowed to make romantic comedies...
i take that last statement back, not the only ones, if not Mcconaughey then give me FPJ or you may know him as Freddie Prince Junior... what ever happened to him, i mean you want to talk about a string of hits that guy put out... lets go through that list: Shes all that, Down to you, Boys and Girls, Summer Catch.... i mean wow talk about hits!!!!
OK well anyways i was walking around wal-mart today and i walked past the DVD section and i saw this movie and glanced at it and scurried away, then as if it had some magnetic energy it sucked me back over to it and the next thing i remember I'm standing at the check out line and the lady grabs the blu ray from me and says "will that be it?" I then snapped back into it and quickly got the hell out of there... I have already made one terrible purchase on blu ray and those close to me know what that is, and I'm kind of embarrassed to admit to it... But i feel like i wrecked on the island from Lost and if i don't follow the coordinates to the exact bearings ill never escape the power this movie has over me... I don't know what to do, i feel like I'm in a maze to which there is no escape... any thoughts or suggestions would be most helpful... I'm going to leave you with this as i am scared and confused, If i get into trouble "Laef" is my Constant!!!!!!!!!!!!
College Panda
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