I want to start off by apologizing for prematurely releasing (ha) my top 10 of 2008 before seeing many of the movies necessary in order to make a top 10. I admit I have still yet to see Defiance which I truly believe would be in my top ten even if some people disagree. The movie looks extremely entertaining and I love Edward Zwick. Legends of the Fall or Blood Diamond anybody? Secondly I want to apologize for College Panda's liberal use of the WOOOOO in the title and context of his posts. In the title of the last two posts he used it 3 times. Yes, I realize he invented the wooooo (true story) but it is about to go out of style as quickly as it came in. Ease up Panda, ease up. So without further adue (?) here is my rebooted top 10 of 2008 (at the end of February of 2009)
10. Iron Man
If it weren't for Dark Knight this would probably be the best superhero movie ever, but that is because I absolutely hate the spiderman franchise. With that said, obviously this i not your basic superhero movie. It is a completely different tone than most other superhero movies. With the Dark Knight you have a very dark picture with The Joker and the violence, then with Spiderman you have the very corny aspect of old television shows where you would see POW! and WHAM! come across the screen in a fight. All in all robert Downey Jr. is crazy good as Iron Man and Gwyneth Paltrow is sexy as Pepper Potts, not to mention after the credits, our little surprise into the world of The Avengers.
9. Zach and Miri Make a Porno
For some reason this movie got no love at the box office, which just goes to show you that the box office means nothing (Beverly Hills Chiuauah ring any bells). This movie was Kevin Smith at his best, disgusting and hilarious. It has maybe the most "let's do something absolutely disgusting for humor" scene of all time, but it is very funny. As he does in nearly every movie he is in Seth Rogen absolutely killed me, I don't know why, because it is basically the same schtick in every movie, but it gets funnier with every movie. Also, elizabeth Banks is a babe.
8. The Wrestler
Overrated? Yes, but that is only because there were critics calling this the movie of the year. It is still a very very good movie, had it come out last year though I would not even be talking about it. It was a little too slow for my liking, but the acting and direction carry this movie the whole way through. Add that to the great scenes spread sparingly throughout the movie and that is why it is in my top ten. Maybe the best description of the movie ever came from my buddy Ness when he said "I could watch Mickey Rourke sling deli meats for hours"....you will know when you see it.
7. Frost/Nixon
I saw this movie, along with the rest of the best picture nominees, at the AMC Best Picture Showcase the night before the Oscars and let me tell you, it was a great movie. While it helps to have at least a minimal knowledge of the Watergate Scandal and the rest of Nixon's presidency, you do not need to be an expert.
The acting by everyone in the movie is top shelf and Frank Langella was my personal runner up in Best Actor category (to Mickey Rourke). I personally think Michael Sheen got ripped off by not get a best supporting nod, but what can you do.
6. Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis are both unbelievably sexy in this movie, and funny to boot. Jason Segel was willing to show his dick for the sake of comedy which some people hated and others respected, personally I thought it was funny as hell, because if you think about it Mila Kunis and Kristen bell actually had to hug and kiss him with his bare nuts rubbing on them. Rumor has it he loved it, they hated it
5. The Wackness
Maybe the best soundtrack in movie history (early-mid 90's rap) and a great performance by Ben Kingsley. This movie will give a lot of people a trip down memory lane. And not because of the content of the movie because the kid is a drug dealer, but because it is sort of nostalgic in a way. Funny as hell too.
4. Gran Torino
If you have seen this movie can you please tell me how Clint Eastwood did not get nominated for best actor for this movie? His performance was great, Eastwood at his best. I mean it is obvious why he did not get nominated, and thats because this movie was not "politically correct" enough for the academy. Hey Clint, maybe you should play gay and you will get nominated. What's that? Oh you're not a sell out...Thank god.
3.. In Bruges
Colin Farrel at his best, this movie was under the radar for sure, but got some love from the Academy with a best original screenplay nom, and deservedly so. unbelievable dry humor in this mixed with some very solid action and this was a great film. Not too mention, the midget in the movie will make you piss yourself laughing. (No I am not making fun of midgets, it is supposed to be funny in the movie) Also, out of any movie I saw this year, I would recommend this the most because it was so under the radar
2. Slumdog Millionaire
I will be honest, I was as skeptical as anybody about this movie because of the critical acclaim it was receiving and because of the premise. it sounded like cheap academy bait that people were falling for. And then I saw it. I absolutely loved this movie. I even went so far as to say that it was the best directed movie I have seen (with the exception of several of Scorcese's movies). Oh and i said that The Wackness had the best music in a movie, well I misspoke because the music in Slumdog Millionaire, while it might not sound that good outside the context of the movie, is the best music i have heard in a movie maybe ever.
1. The Dark Knight
We have all seen it, there is no reason to even say anything.
Sorry for the lack of pics, my computer is not working right
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
WOOO, Brilliance Is Coming!!!!!!!!
I promise you this will be one of the funniest movies of the year. Here is the Red Band Trailer for Adventureland, I'm not sure if this is acutally shot at the adventureland in Iowa, but if it is, thats really how it is out here, aren't you jealous? Oh and BTW it hits theaters March 27th.
Let me know what you think...
Oh and by the way your welcome.
I love you always, and never,

College Panda
Let me know what you think...
Oh and by the way your welcome.
I love you always, and never,

College Panda
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Oscars!!!!!!!! Woooo, Well, Maybe Not Wooo
First off I will sadly admit that I didnt see any of the movies that were up for best picture last night, for which I'm sorry about because Laef has told me good things about a couple of them. Also I must admit that Laef and I watched the entire 3 and a half hour telecast, and probably about an hour of the red carpet together via webcam, yea I know we are awesome!!! Although my opinions on movies and acting this year wont mean a thing to you I feel like my opinion completely matters when choosing who looked good or not. Lets start right away with who looked the hottest. I really dont see how this could be an argument if you actually watched the Oscars and know what hot women look like, but Natalie Portman looked soooo Fucking CUTE, and SEXY as hell in her dress.

I mean wow, just smoking hot and beautiful, and she is so little and petite its adorable. Now a close, close second, and I know I'm going to catch heat from Laef on this but she is just soo damn adorable, I really think I might be in love with her, but Miley Cyrus. 

She was the first celeb on the red carpet and she looked so so hot. Finally we get her in a dress where she is showing off that still growing rack of hers that was on full display last night. She is growing up big and strong like mommy is and I'm loving every minute of it. Now I would have to say a close third would have to be Vanessa Hudgens, I love her almost as much as I love Miley, but she was clearly outshined last night by her equally as hot BF Zac Effron, who I have not pictured because I am too lazy to search for thier pics so you will just have to take my expert word on this.
Once the red carpet was over it was a pretty boring awards show, as it usually is. There were a couple funny things, like Hugh Jackman's opening monolouge was pretty good, and when Ben Stiller came out as Joaquin Phoenix, that was brilliance. It was good to see Robert Downey Jr. he is just a good man, and then to hear Ron Howard basically say that Arrested Development was a go, I was amped for that. WOOOOOOO!!!!! Other than that you really didnt miss anything. Laef has a man crush on Slumdog, and I'm sure its good he never steers me wrong usually, dont tell him I said that, but they basically won every award given that night except for this one sound editing award which of course the Dark Knight was far superior in.
The greatest part of the Oscars last night was something that probably no one saw, maybe a few that stuck around after the credits. If you think I'm talking about the movie clips from movies coming out in 2009, your DEAD AND GONE! No, it was a secret performance that only me and a few other bloggers got word of, TI and JT put on a show at the Kodak Theater unlike any that has been done before. They sang their latest hit, Dead and Gone, and literally blew the lid off that Jawn!!! For those of you not lucky enough to catch it, your old reliable came through for you once again. Here it is WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Your Welcome
I love you and Hate You, Always and Never,

College Panda
Friday, February 13, 2009
Some new V.U.S.S.
If you've been reading this blog you've come to expect from me thought provoking and in depth blogs. But since it's my birthday weekend I'm basically dead to the world and in no shape to do any thinking. With that said forgive me for just posting mindless videos but in this edition of Videos U Should See these are hilarious and seem to get funnier each time. Enjoy.
Joaquin Phoenix, I just don't get you anymore. Are you on drugs? Is this a scam to prove something to somebody? I don't get it but nontheless this is him on Letterman from a couple nights ago, Letterman has some fun.
This next one is unbelievable. Stephen Adler is on this VH1 Dr. Drew Sober House show and he is in the house soooo high. The funniest part is at one point he has to ask the camera crew where his room is. Watch and find out what its like to be high on heroin.
The final video today is one of the new videos from the brilliant group The Lonely Island. This ones featuring T-Pain and is pretty gnarly.
Joaquin Phoenix, I just don't get you anymore. Are you on drugs? Is this a scam to prove something to somebody? I don't get it but nontheless this is him on Letterman from a couple nights ago, Letterman has some fun.
This next one is unbelievable. Stephen Adler is on this VH1 Dr. Drew Sober House show and he is in the house soooo high. The funniest part is at one point he has to ask the camera crew where his room is. Watch and find out what its like to be high on heroin.
The final video today is one of the new videos from the brilliant group The Lonely Island. This ones featuring T-Pain and is pretty gnarly.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Some Headlines...

A couple of big headlines (depending on your idea of big news) hit the web early this week, none of which was bigger then the fact that the Inglorious basterds teaser trailer will premiere tomorrow. I don't know about you, but I am pumped for Tarntino's new movie. Especially with his last one, Deathproof, being such a bust.
While the highly anticipated Inglorious Basterds has production coming to a close, Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas will be taking the first step in having the Veronica Mars film become a reality. Thomas will be pitching the idea of the film to executive producer Joel Silver at some point this week. Obviously there are not a lot of people who watched Veronica Mars, obviously since it was cancelled after only three seasons, but I am hear to tell you that this show is about as good as high school drama gets. I put it on the same level as Friday Night Lights and The OC. (yeh I watched The OC, so what?) But at the same time, the show adds a completely different aspect than any other high school drama, actual mystery.
Check back for more news on both of these stories.
Monday, February 9, 2009
My First Celebrity

One question, of many, that I'm always asked when someone finds out that I live in Las Vegas is "Have you met any celebrities yet?" I usually look back at the person with a look of deep thought thinking to myself if I have. Because I have the memory of an 87 year old it usually takes me a few minutes to answer back, "No, no I haven't." Well I can say after my experience a couple days ago that's all changed.
I was at work doing my best Danny McCoy impression. If you have never seen his character in the TV show Las Vegas all I was basically doing was just walking around the casino trying to look important. When all of a sudden my "celebdar" goes off. I turn around and try to sift through the crowd to find out who would've caused the disturbance. I had been looking around for a while and to no avail and thought maybe the "celebdar" needed tweaked, when I saw him. For the life of me I could not remember what his name was so I couldn't approach him as a fan, I would make a fool out of myself. Plus he was sitting down on a bench talking to a woman I presumed he was macking on and I didn't want to ruin his game. But I realized I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by so I began approaching him with nothing planned, just relying on quick wit and charm to get me by. Well so much for that. By the time I got over there I had nothing to say and was awkwardly standing right in from of him and this unidentified woman. Trying my best to save face and at the same time make him look important in front of this girl I asked him,
Me: "Sir is everything OK? Is there anything I can do for you?"
Him: (Looked up at me, shook his head no, went back to convo with woman)
He was using what is called the cold shoulder technique. I'm very familiar with this style so I began to walk away when i stopped and realized what he just did. Even though he didn't say any words to me I saw in his face what he was trying to say. See the face paints a thousand pictures I always say. Anyway what he said in his face was,
Him: "Dude, thanks for making me look important. I don't want to be rude but I am a celebrity trying to put in some work with this broad here but thank you anyway. Oh and P.S. could you do me a favor and call me by my name. I would appreciate it because I think this chick knows I'm famous but I don't think she knows my name and that might help. Thanks dude your the man."
Now he just put me in a tougher spot. I was pretty sure of his name and it was on the tippy of my tounge but a case of mistaken identity is not a laughing matter. I needed to say something and fast, so I used that quick wit that I lacked earlier,
Me: "Have a good night, sir. Oh, I loved your work in Friday Night Lights, one of my favorite movies."
Him: "Thank you."
Me: "That Boobies quite a handful I bet, huh?"
Him: "(Turned and gave me a look of disapointment. Probably for either not calling him by his name or for saying the word "Boobie" in front of his chick)
And that was it. I couldn't remember his name but I gave him props for his performance in the only movie of his that I could remember seeing. Like I said earlier I have terrible memory and I just hope by not remembering his name and for saying the word "Boobie" I didn't ruin his chances. Your probably thinking why would he care if you said "Boobie"? There are a lot of worse words you could say around girls these days. True. But this woman was not from these days. She and the celebrity were from back in the day, way back in the day. So Mr. Grover Coulson if your reading this let me apologize for my actions and I hope to see you and your lady back in Las Vegas soon.
I was at work doing my best Danny McCoy impression. If you have never seen his character in the TV show Las Vegas all I was basically doing was just walking around the casino trying to look important. When all of a sudden my "celebdar" goes off. I turn around and try to sift through the crowd to find out who would've caused the disturbance. I had been looking around for a while and to no avail and thought maybe the "celebdar" needed tweaked, when I saw him. For the life of me I could not remember what his name was so I couldn't approach him as a fan, I would make a fool out of myself. Plus he was sitting down on a bench talking to a woman I presumed he was macking on and I didn't want to ruin his game. But I realized I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by so I began approaching him with nothing planned, just relying on quick wit and charm to get me by. Well so much for that. By the time I got over there I had nothing to say and was awkwardly standing right in from of him and this unidentified woman. Trying my best to save face and at the same time make him look important in front of this girl I asked him,
Me: "Sir is everything OK? Is there anything I can do for you?"
Him: (Looked up at me, shook his head no, went back to convo with woman)
He was using what is called the cold shoulder technique. I'm very familiar with this style so I began to walk away when i stopped and realized what he just did. Even though he didn't say any words to me I saw in his face what he was trying to say. See the face paints a thousand pictures I always say. Anyway what he said in his face was,
Him: "Dude, thanks for making me look important. I don't want to be rude but I am a celebrity trying to put in some work with this broad here but thank you anyway. Oh and P.S. could you do me a favor and call me by my name. I would appreciate it because I think this chick knows I'm famous but I don't think she knows my name and that might help. Thanks dude your the man."
Now he just put me in a tougher spot. I was pretty sure of his name and it was on the tippy of my tounge but a case of mistaken identity is not a laughing matter. I needed to say something and fast, so I used that quick wit that I lacked earlier,
Me: "Have a good night, sir. Oh, I loved your work in Friday Night Lights, one of my favorite movies."
Him: "Thank you."
Me: "That Boobies quite a handful I bet, huh?"
Him: "(Turned and gave me a look of disapointment. Probably for either not calling him by his name or for saying the word "Boobie" in front of his chick)
And that was it. I couldn't remember his name but I gave him props for his performance in the only movie of his that I could remember seeing. Like I said earlier I have terrible memory and I just hope by not remembering his name and for saying the word "Boobie" I didn't ruin his chances. Your probably thinking why would he care if you said "Boobie"? There are a lot of worse words you could say around girls these days. True. But this woman was not from these days. She and the celebrity were from back in the day, way back in the day. So Mr. Grover Coulson if your reading this let me apologize for my actions and I hope to see you and your lady back in Las Vegas soon.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Top Movies of 2008 (little Late)

10. Iron Man
If it weren't for Dark Knight this would probably be the best superhero movie ever, but that is because I absolutely hate the spiderman franchise. With that said, obviously this i not your basic superhero movie. It is a completely different tone than most other superhero movies. With the Dark Knight you have a very dark picture with The Joker and the violence, then with Spiderman you have the very corny aspect of old television shows where you would see POW! and WHAM! come across the screen in a fight.
All in all robert Downey Jr. is crazy good as Iron Man and Gwyneth Paltrow is sexy as Pepper Potts, not to mention after the credits, our little surprise into the world of The Avengers.
9. The Wrestler
Overrated? Yes, but that is only because there were critics calling this the movie of the year. It is still a very very good movie, had it come out last year though I would not even be talking about it. It was a little too slow for my liking, but the acting and direction carry this movie the whole way through. Add that to the great scenes spread sparingly throughout the movie and that is why it is in my top ten. Maybe the best description of the movie ever came from my buddy Ness when he said "I could watch Mickey Rourke sling deli meats for hours"....you will know when you see it.
8. Dear Zachary
A documentary that is literally like nothing you will ever ever see again. I am not kidding this movie might make you rethink your life a little, but it is unbelievable. Just a heads up for anybody thinking about watching this movie, it takes a twist at the end of the movie that might be the most disturbing thing in cinematic history, but it also will make you feel for victims of a horrible crime more than you ever have in your life.
7. Tropic Thunder
The most impressive thing about this movie and Ben Stiller is that he wrote the movie, starred in the movie all while directing it. Its especially amazing when you see it and you realize all of the special effects that went into the movie. Even more so than he did in Iron Man )and he was the lead in that) Robert Downey Jr. absolutely owns this movie, yes the rest of the cast is great but Robert Downey Jr. in black face is one of the greatest things in movie history (yes, i said it)
6. Zach and Miri Make a Porno
For some reason this movie got no love at the box office, which just goes to show you that the box office means nothing (Beverly Hills Chiuauah ring any bells). This movie was Kevin Smith at his best, disgusting and hilarious. It has maybe the most "let's do something absolutely disgusting for humor" scene of all time, but it is very funny. As he does in nearly every movie he is in Seth Rogen absolutely killed me, I don't know why, because it is basically the same schtick in every movie, but it gets funnier with every movie. Also, elizabeth Banks is a babe.
5. Role Models
This is my number five basically because Paul Rudd is the man and it made me a fan of Sean William Scott, who I hated after the American Pie movies. I have not seen this many one liners in a movie (courtesy mainly of Rudd) since 40 Year Old Virgin. It is an absolute riot and I would highly recommend it. Again elizabeth Banks is an absolute babe in this as well.
4. Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis are both unbelievably sexy in this movie, and funny to boot. Jason Segel was willing to show his dick for the sake of comedy which some people hated and others respected, personally I thought it was funny as hell, because if you think about it Mila Kunis and Kristen bell actually had to hug and kiss him with his bare nuts rubbing on them. Rumor has it he loved it, they hated it
3. The Wackness
Maybe the best soundtrack in movie history (early-mid 90's rap) and a great performance by Ben Kingsley. This movie will give a lot of people a trip down memory lane. And not because of the content of the movie because the kid is a drug dealer, but because it is sort of nostalgic in a way. Funny as hell too.
2. In Bruges
Colin Farrel at his best, this movie was under the radar for sure, but got some love from the Academy with a best original screenplay nom, and deservedly so. unbelievable dry humor in this mixed with some very solid action and this was a great film. Not too mention, the midget in the movie will make you piss yourself laughing. (No I am not making fun of midgets, it is supposed to be funny in the movie) Also, out of any movie I saw this year, I would recommend this the most because it was so under the radar, and everyone has probably seen almost all of the other movies on this list, except for 3 and 8.
1. The Dark Knight
We have all seen it, there is no reason to even say anything.
As you can see I thought it was a great year for comedies, because I guess you could even put In Bruges and The Wackness in the comedy category. I think maybe I am just opposed to the "academy" type movies this year because they do not even compare to last year's group. Also, because they snubbed The Dark Knight out of a best picture nominee, which is complete bull shit.
Stuff Your Sorry's In a Sack Laef!!!!!
I am not sure where you learned to apologize from but it certainly wasn't me, anyways never will i ever forgive the injustices I've suffered on this website. Would you Shakespeare forgive some bum in the street for correcting or mocking his work? I don't think so, and neither will College Panda.. And don't let this man fool you ladies and gentleman my quote from him about this movie was quite accurate, he is just one of those critics that if the movie isn't an indie movie he has no interest in it and criticizes it. Its OK Laef we get it, but never will I forgive, So officially I decline your apology, Good Day.

I love you, I hate you,

College Panda
Sorry CP
Sorry college panda (still no clue) about correcting your "typo". I did not mean to hurt your feelings, and as you can see College Panda went back and changed it. At any rate, let this be a lesson to all of you, College Panda is Gay, just look at the movies he gets excited about very sensitive so do not hurt his feelings.
Give the guy a break....
The guy I am talking about is Michael Phelps. Why are people ready to stone the guy over smokin a little bit of weed. I mean really, is it that big of a deal. Let's ask all these stunned reporters how many bong rips they were taking when they were 23? Or how much of the spotlight was shining on them. Well I can answer the spotlight question for them....NONE! All these ESPN analysts are absolute jokes who never played a college sport in their life, let alone at the olympic level. And no, I am not saying people who did not play college sports are jokes, I am saying that people who have no clue what its like to be an athlete let alone a famous one should not be judging. But I am getting off on a tangent, that's irrelevent. What I am really saying is WHO CARES?! The guy smoked some weed, big deal. "But Laef he is a spokesperson for America!"...Yeh well so is our new president and he admitted to blowin rails off glass tables so I'll give phelps a break.
As for college panda, (the funny thing is that he thinks that is a creative name, when really nobody even has a clue to the meaning, or so much as cares) I hope you enjoy your little movie this weekend, but on the record, that movie looks like absolute garbage and I will never publicly (or privately for that matter) say that movie looks anything that resembles good. When did Jennifer Aniston become funny? Talk about a sad commentary on the state of our country's sense of humor! And by the CP I think you meant to say what Justin Long said "rang true" not "rang to"....he is not a doorbell ya moron.
As for college panda, (the funny thing is that he thinks that is a creative name, when really nobody even has a clue to the meaning, or so much as cares) I hope you enjoy your little movie this weekend, but on the record, that movie looks like absolute garbage and I will never publicly (or privately for that matter) say that movie looks anything that resembles good. When did Jennifer Aniston become funny? Talk about a sad commentary on the state of our country's sense of humor! And by the CP I think you meant to say what Justin Long said "rang true" not "rang to"....he is not a doorbell ya moron.

I feel like a kid on Christmas eve right now!!!! I am sitting here at work and the whole time this clip keeps running through my mind!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Now the only question is will I find someone to go with me? College Panda usually has no problems in this department he isn't like Laef, or Haymes where he just never gets any. I think its the exact opposite actually, but I'm being very selective about who I take to this Blockbuster. I cant just take some random "Hoodrat" I meet at the bars every weekend and go up to them and be like "hey baby would you want to go to HJNTIY with me this Sunday?" First of all I mean I could and they would say yes, but second I'm not going to waste $10 of my hard earned money on what could be the best movie of the year hands down!!!!!!!!! I'm holding out ladies and gentleman I am waiting for love, this movie is too good, too pure, too perfect of a movie to waste on someone who will most likely be doing the walk of shame when I get up in the morning to go to work.
Justin Long was on Kimmel the other night promoting this movie, like he even needs to, and what he said rings true and I think you all will see it when you see this movie, its a movie that when you watch you will relate to alot of the situations that both the male and females characters are going through when it comes to relationships...
The trailers alone sold me, I am sure that they did for you but if that wasn't enough I even got your beloved Laef to admit "...it actually looks pretty good dude"!!!!! So for all you "MEN" out there like Bones aka J-Bratt aka hereattherock, or Ness, or T-Munn Munn, or Joe Laef aka J-Lo, just realize that you have all been in these situations that this brilliant cast is going through, and you all know your going to see it eventually whether it be on DVD or in the theaters, so why not make it now, lets make it number one together.
Hey Laef remember in school when I used to pick up girls via facebook, well I guess Myspace is the new Facebook, which is the new "booty call" hahahah...woooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Person You Love and Hate,
College Panda
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I'm starting to get over it
I'm assuming everyone at one time or another seen one of these reality shows that MTV and VH1 churn out every season where a "celebrity" goes on TV looking for love. In case you havent let me give you a brief review of what happens on every single one of them. Said "celebrity" is given this incredibly huge house, which they always claim it is theirs but that can't be true because I've been seeing the same house used over and over again like rap video models. Twenty some contestants usually in the 20-30 age range come in and compete for the love of the homeowner. It usually starts out with the contestants being very aggressive and very dramatic, often trying to bring down other competitors anyway they can like going to the "celebrity" and making up some rumor they heard, etc, etc. Next whats going to happen is the contestants are going to start being eliminated by the man/woman of the house, and this is where the excuses from the contestants start coming out about how they "didn't spend enough time with (celebrity) so they don't really know me" or "I was too drunk when they first met me that's not how I really am" blah blah blah. Each episode the remaining contestants are eliminated based on how well they perform in these ridiculous challenges(example: Contestants always have a challenge where they eat really gross farm animal parts, and whoever eats the most or doesn't puke wins!) that are supposed to show how much they love the "celebrity". So this is what women are looking for in a mate? Who can eat the most pig intestines or cow penises? Now the "celebrity" is eliminating more and more contestants until there is about three or four left. Now the remaining ones get a chance to take the "celebrity" home and introduce them to the family. This is where usually something goes wrong at one of the contestants homes and so they get eliminated. Now the final two or three go on a vacation with the "celebrity" and get to spend a night alone with them and this is usually where intercourse is presumably first had between the lovebirds. Theres either a lot of drama around this time or a lot of "no, i love you more" kind of scenes, depending on what style of show if you catch my drift. Then finally based on whoever was better in the sack they get chosen to be the one that the "celebrity" is going to fall deeply in love with and spend the rest of their rich drama filled lives together. Which never happens, ask Flavor-flav, or Bret Michaels.
This is how you find true love right, get whisked away in a beautiful rented house, meet an aging "celebrity" who had to take this gig or file for bankruptcy, compete for their love by eating gross animal penises, and that's it right? That's the process of falling in love. At least according to mainstream television it is. And apparently America is buying into it to because season after season more and more of these ridiculous shows are ordered up. "Celebrities" like Flavor-flav, Bret Michaels and Ray-J all have gotten deals to do shows like these. Even non-celebrities who have become famous off of these shows like, New York or brothers Chance and Real have done these kinds of shows. Then you have the "Kim Kardashian" group of people who are not famous and got these shows for no apparent reason, Tila Tequilla and the Ikki twins.
I'm usually pretty unopinionated(is that a word?) but broadcasting these kinds of shows is sending a terrible message to our youth. If they are growing up watching famous people, who they are supposed to idolize, go and find love in this kind of way how can that be good for our future? Divorce rates are at sky high levels of %55 and rising each year. You know what the rates were before television? No, me either but I'm willing to bet a lot lower than %50. Now not all TV is bad don't get me wrong, I'm just focusing on the crappy part of it. So lets theoretically say a kid grows up in a broken home and doesn't ever get to witness what a loving marriage is about. He turns on the TV, "Oh look at this new show about my favorite singer Bret Michaels trying to find love, how neat" says the kid, "My parents aren't around so I'm going to do what Bret does and look for my soul mate like this". Maybe not too realistic since Poison hasn't been popular since I was born but I think I'm on to something pretty big here...
This is how you find true love right, get whisked away in a beautiful rented house, meet an aging "celebrity" who had to take this gig or file for bankruptcy, compete for their love by eating gross animal penises, and that's it right? That's the process of falling in love. At least according to mainstream television it is. And apparently America is buying into it to because season after season more and more of these ridiculous shows are ordered up. "Celebrities" like Flavor-flav, Bret Michaels and Ray-J all have gotten deals to do shows like these. Even non-celebrities who have become famous off of these shows like, New York or brothers Chance and Real have done these kinds of shows. Then you have the "Kim Kardashian" group of people who are not famous and got these shows for no apparent reason, Tila Tequilla and the Ikki twins.
I'm usually pretty unopinionated(is that a word?) but broadcasting these kinds of shows is sending a terrible message to our youth. If they are growing up watching famous people, who they are supposed to idolize, go and find love in this kind of way how can that be good for our future? Divorce rates are at sky high levels of %55 and rising each year. You know what the rates were before television? No, me either but I'm willing to bet a lot lower than %50. Now not all TV is bad don't get me wrong, I'm just focusing on the crappy part of it. So lets theoretically say a kid grows up in a broken home and doesn't ever get to witness what a loving marriage is about. He turns on the TV, "Oh look at this new show about my favorite singer Bret Michaels trying to find love, how neat" says the kid, "My parents aren't around so I'm going to do what Bret does and look for my soul mate like this". Maybe not too realistic since Poison hasn't been popular since I was born but I think I'm on to something pretty big here...
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