10. Iron Man
If it weren't for Dark Knight this would probably be the best superhero movie ever, but that is because I absolutely hate the spiderman franchise. With that said, obviously this i not your basic superhero movie. It is a completely different tone than most other superhero movies. With the Dark Knight you have a very dark picture with The Joker and the violence, then with Spiderman you have the very corny aspect of old television shows where you would see POW! and WHAM! come across the screen in a fight.
All in all robert Downey Jr. is crazy good as Iron Man and Gwyneth Paltrow is sexy as Pepper Potts, not to mention after the credits, our little surprise into the world of The Avengers.
9. The Wrestler
Overrated? Yes, but that is only because there were critics calling this the movie of the year. It is still a very very good movie, had it come out last year though I would not even be talking about it. It was a little too slow for my liking, but the acting and direction carry this movie the whole way through. Add that to the great scenes spread sparingly throughout the movie and that is why it is in my top ten. Maybe the best description of the movie ever came from my buddy Ness when he said "I could watch Mickey Rourke sling deli meats for hours"....you will know when you see it.
8. Dear Zachary
A documentary that is literally like nothing you will ever ever see again. I am not kidding this movie might make you rethink your life a little, but it is unbelievable. Just a heads up for anybody thinking about watching this movie, it takes a twist at the end of the movie that might be the most disturbing thing in cinematic history, but it also will make you feel for victims of a horrible crime more than you ever have in your life.
7. Tropic Thunder
The most impressive thing about this movie and Ben Stiller is that he wrote the movie, starred in the movie all while directing it. Its especially amazing when you see it and you realize all of the special effects that went into the movie. Even more so than he did in Iron Man )and he was the lead in that) Robert Downey Jr. absolutely owns this movie, yes the rest of the cast is great but Robert Downey Jr. in black face is one of the greatest things in movie history (yes, i said it)
6. Zach and Miri Make a Porno
For some reason this movie got no love at the box office, which just goes to show you that the box office means nothing (Beverly Hills Chiuauah ring any bells). This movie was Kevin Smith at his best, disgusting and hilarious. It has maybe the most "let's do something absolutely disgusting for humor" scene of all time, but it is very funny. As he does in nearly every movie he is in Seth Rogen absolutely killed me, I don't know why, because it is basically the same schtick in every movie, but it gets funnier with every movie. Also, elizabeth Banks is a babe.
5. Role Models
This is my number five basically because Paul Rudd is the man and it made me a fan of Sean William Scott, who I hated after the American Pie movies. I have not seen this many one liners in a movie (courtesy mainly of Rudd) since 40 Year Old Virgin. It is an absolute riot and I would highly recommend it. Again elizabeth Banks is an absolute babe in this as well.
4. Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis are both unbelievably sexy in this movie, and funny to boot. Jason Segel was willing to show his dick for the sake of comedy which some people hated and others respected, personally I thought it was funny as hell, because if you think about it Mila Kunis and Kristen bell actually had to hug and kiss him with his bare nuts rubbing on them. Rumor has it he loved it, they hated it
3. The Wackness
Maybe the best soundtrack in movie history (early-mid 90's rap) and a great performance by Ben Kingsley. This movie will give a lot of people a trip down memory lane. And not because of the content of the movie because the kid is a drug dealer, but because it is sort of nostalgic in a way. Funny as hell too.
2. In Bruges
Colin Farrel at his best, this movie was under the radar for sure, but got some love from the Academy with a best original screenplay nom, and deservedly so. unbelievable dry humor in this mixed with some very solid action and this was a great film. Not too mention, the midget in the movie will make you piss yourself laughing. (No I am not making fun of midgets, it is supposed to be funny in the movie) Also, out of any movie I saw this year, I would recommend this the most because it was so under the radar, and everyone has probably seen almost all of the other movies on this list, except for 3 and 8.
1. The Dark Knight
We have all seen it, there is no reason to even say anything.
As you can see I thought it was a great year for comedies, because I guess you could even put In Bruges and The Wackness in the comedy category. I think maybe I am just opposed to the "academy" type movies this year because they do not even compare to last year's group. Also, because they snubbed The Dark Knight out of a best picture nominee, which is complete bull shit.
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