So we have not been active on this blog for a while, but I was sitting there today thinking that I missed doing it and figured we should get back on this (College Panda does not know this is happening, but he will soon enough).
Another inspiration I had was the movie The Insider, which I watched last night and enjoyed the hell out of it. It was part of my ongoing mission to watch all the movies I am embarrassed, as a self proclaimed movie guru, to not have seen. If you haven;t seen it I recommend it, although it is well over 2 hours long and all I ever hear are people complaining about the length of movies (which pisses me off most of the time, especially when they complain about the length of movies as great as The Dark Knight)
Anyways, we are back and I will be seeing District 9 this weekend which will allow me to make my list for best movies of the summer (a disappointing summer). I am not sure if College Panda will get on here again before that, but you can almost bet he will be back with his nonsensical ramblings (you ready for this Panda?). We also may have a new writer on here, someone who goes by the name of Gil and may have some brilliant input. We also might be adding a little bit more sport talk this second time around, so stay tuned.
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