But right now the reviews that are coming in for director Gavin Hood's first Hollywood movie are pretty bleak. Examples...
"A keen disappointment as action and effects take over from a poorly conceived story"-Kirk Honeycutt, Hollywood Reporter.
"While packed with effects and action, without the attention to story and emotional investment present in such films as The Dark Knight and Ironman, Wolverine ultimately doesn't rise above its comic-book roots."-Bill Goodykoontz, Arizona Republic.
There were plenty others better to choose from but I had to include the dude from Hollywood, and my new favorite critic good ol' Goodykoontz. Too many jokes and I'm sure they've all been done before.
What these guys don't get is that, for me at least, I'm not expecting the next Dark Knight, where I'm blown away by everything or even the next movie with a fantastic storyline where I'm hanging on every line and scene. Don't go into this expecting that either because you will be sorely disappointed. Be expecting a lively, sciency fiction, action packed, beat the bad guys ass movie.
Let me give you a few reasons of mine why I think I'm going to love this movie...
First, this movie is going to be awesome because of Hugh Jackman. And let me tell you by looking at the early pictures he is "Jack'd-man". Some roles were just made for one person and there is no one else in the world of actors that could play Wolverine better than Jackman.
Another reason this movie is going to be awesome is because of the supporting cast. Liev Schreiber, Ryan Reynolds, Taylor Kitsch, William(American Spelling), and Dominic Monaghan. Not the most star studded emsemble but just a group of solid actors that you know are not going to mail it in. I'm particularly interested in keeping an eye on Friday Night Lights Taylor Kitsch. It's going to be weird not seeing him with a beer in hand kissing on some grade A high school tail, but a solid performance here could spring his movie career.
Wolverine is also the kick-start for an awesome summer of film. Star Trek, Terminator, Angels and Demons, Transformers, etc, etc, etc.
Lastly, the final reason that I'm looking forward to Wolverine is that because it is going to be a manly, badass, action flick, that means that College Panda will not see it and waste more space on here talking about it. Sure Lynn Collins will be playing a love interest but for the sake of everyone reading lets hope her role is limited.
Friday can't come soon enough.
P.S. The next edition of the critically acclaimed V.U.S.S (Videos U Should See) will be Viewer V.U.S.S. So send in all your hilarious and off the wall videos to me and I will sift through them and post the best ones.
Over - Lindsay Lohan