One of the most loved shows by all of the writers on this blog (one thing we actually do agree on, oh and by the way you are welcome for it Haymes and Panda) is NBC's Friday Night Lights. This show has been on the chopping block after each of its first three seasons. It was only after its second season however, that NBC decided to go in on a joint deal with DirecTV for the show. This meant that the third season would be shown first, in its entirety, on DirecTV then shown later in the year on NBC. This kind of sucked, but I cannot complain, because we got the show back. Many fans, including this one, thought that the third season was the Dillon Panther's last. at first I was upset, but to be honest, the way the season ended, I thought it was a good spot to end it creatively. Obviously I wanted more, but if I could not have it I was okay with it. Well I just found out I won't even have to worry about that.
TVFanatic reported that it is official, NBC and DirecTV are coming together again to air two more seasons of the show in the same format that they played the third season. The 4th and 5th seasons will get 13 episodes a piece, not ideal, but again I cannot complain.
What is upsetting though is the fact that more people are not watching this show. This is not your typical teen drama about rich D-bags who have everything handed to them and try to create drama around that. Which is absolutely ridiculous because none of the characters are remotely realtable in any of those shows (Goossip Girl and 90210 I am talking to you). Yes, I was a fan of The OC, but those characters had much more of a realness to them than any of these other ridiculous shows. Anyways, FNL is one of the best shows on television and people are not watching it, they are too busy watching the "reality" shows on MTV. By the way why does every scene on those shows have 10 seconds of people talking then 20 seconds of the camera going back and forth between two characters just staring at each other? I don't get it, but I digress. I guess what I am trying to say is please start watching this show, because you will realize that you have been missing some of the best that television has to offer.
Best piece written yet. I'm a big fan of the Dillon Panthers, and a big fan of the blog other than when College Panda tries to make a post that makes any sense..