"Maybe the island wants to fix itself Kate." A short and simple line to most people. However, in my opinion it was just a completely telling line. Without question there is no other show on television that introduces things or develops things with no intention of brining them back until several seasons later. Without question there is no other show on television that has developed characters the way that Lost does.
When Jack spoke that line while talking to Kate while Kate was trying to get Jack to save a young Ben, it made me remember why I watch this show and why I have watched every episode more than once. Ever since the middle of season one when John Locke stumbled across the infamous hatch (and probably even before that) there has been a recurring theme in this show. The dispute and differences between John Locke and Jack. It was a constant struggle between a man of science and a man of faith. Locke was always speaking of the island as if it had an agenda and as if it had a plan for everyone there. He would do things because "the island asked him to." The fact that his agenda and his actions were so hinged on faith that the island had bigger and better plans for him was not surprising since the island seems to have magical powers that gave Locke the ability to walk again after being paralyzed years before the crash. This was a man who was given back everything he wanted and then some.
Then there is Jack. He is a world class surgeon who believes that everything has an explanation and that he can control everything that happens in his life. This is what developed him into the leader, he felt he could control situations. Even when Jack would lose control of a situation, there had to be an explanation, it was not the island who was doing things. You would expect a doctor like him to be a man of science and a man of control. Some might say a God complex, and there could be no way that the island could have more control than him. really Jack has been fighting for control his life, all the way from his lack of control in his relationship with his dad to his lack of control to his relationship with his ex-wife.
[ Note- It is hard to explain really, if some does not watch the show, just how complex the characters John and Jack are and the reasons behind their dedications to their belief systems. So many things have happened in both of their lives to contribute to the ideas and beliefs and to get into them all would just be ridiculous at this point, but it just speaks to Lost's commitment to it's character development.]
However, It is these opposing viewpoints, the viewpoints of John Locke and Jack Shepherd, that have kept me coming back for more, episode after episode and season after season. It has been hinted at all season that Jack was turning that corner, that he was starting to believe that the island had a plan for him and that it he had a purpose on that island. After seasons of a constant struggle between his beliefs and Locke's, it seemed as though Jack was starting to believe the hoopla. That is what makes Jack's line tonight so profound, "Maybe the island wants to fix itself." Amazing. After all these seasons of Jack denying these thoughts and always trying to control situations and be the hero, it is not until season 5 that he realizes he cannot save everything, and he truly has no control and that the island needs to just run its course. Lost is the only show who can take a running theme like that and develop it over 5 seasons until they want to flip it on its ear and do something like they did tonight. That is one of the most unbelievable instances of plot and character development that I have ever seen, but I guess I have come to expect it from Lost.
Another interesting thing that I do not know if people have noticed, but it seems as if Patsy Cline is sort of Kate's theme music. We have heard it several times over the years in her flashbacks and we heard it again tonight. Yes, Lost has made Patsy Cline cool again. Just another thing to add to their resume. Oh and next week seems to be just as promising.
In no way should I be writing this post right now with all the projects and papers I have due in the next two days, but I feel like it was something the island needed me to do.
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