I was going to let Haymes review this movie in order to redeem himself of the terrible VUSS segment that he has been doing, but of course he took his sweet ass time in going out to see the film and then decided not to get a review on here, so i will have to take the reins on this one.
Throughout the whole press tour for this movie and within the weeks leading up to its release, people from the press continually called this movie a bromance. Well let me stop you right there people, because I will never refer to a movie as a bromantic comedy. That literally hurt me to even write that just then, no joke, I am now bleeding from my eyes. You might be thinking, "Whats your problem with the phrase 'bromantic comedy,' Laef?" Well really I have two problems with it. First, is the fact that I refuse to refer to a movie featuring two of my favorite actors (Segel and Rudd) using the same word as the title of an MTV reality show (Bromance) in which a large number of tools embarassed themselves on television to become friends with Brody "why the hell am I famous" Jenner. Also, I have a huge problem with our neverending need to put titles on things, or make trendy names for shit. It makes me sick. Like the word "tween." Don't you just feel like a pedophile even saying that word? Also, I have a hard time believing Rudd and Segel didn;t absolutely throw up in their mouth everytime some Dbag reporter asked them "So how do you feel about doing a bromantic comedy?" Now, on to the review.
Most movie revies will start off with a brief synopsis of the plot, but I am not going to waste time doing that because if you have seen a trailer for this movie you know the plot exactly and if you have not seen a trailer, maybe you should try putting that book down and turning on the television, nerd. When I first saw this trailer I immediately was excited because of the cast. I obviously love Segel and Rudd. Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Role Models were two of my favorite movies from last year. And Rashida Jones is back on the map after her underappreciated role as Karen on The Office.
I went into the theater with some pretty high expectations for this one, and I do not want to say I was disappointed, because that is not the right word. Let's go with surprised. Surprised, because of the slow pace of the beginning of the movie. Rudd did a great job, but it was sort of up to him to really carry the comedy through the first 20-30 minutes of the film and he did well with it, but in comparison to movies like Role Models, Superbad or Knocked Up, there were not as many laughs early on. This is because every member of the casts of those movies can bring the funny. But once Segel joined the picture, the laughs came almost non-stop because of the way Rudd and Segel play off of each other. We got to see a little bit of this chemistry in Sarah Marshall, but I love You, Man took it to a whole new level.
On a side note, does anybody else love how they have incorporated hilarious music into Segel's last two movies. I think there should be a rule that he has to play music in every one of his movies because it is a stroke of genius.
Another surprising thing was the difference in the type of role Rudd played in this in comparison to what we are used to seeing him in. Do not get me wrong, he absolutely killed it as the socially akward, not so sure of himself, lovable loser Peter Klaven. But we are used to seeing him in a more watered down version of his ultra smart ass role in Role Models.
Some people might say that this is a romantic comedy, but about two hetro-sexual guys. Well I disagree, I sort of looked at this as a spoof on the traditional romantic comedy and it was absolutely hilarious to me. Panda claims that some of it was corny, well personally I disagree, but I tihnk he is just using the wrong word to describe what he thought of it. I can see why he did not like it, and thats beside the fact that his taste in movies is abismal. It was not as good as some of the more recent comedies, but it is definitely worth a peek at the theaters and I enjoyed myself the whole way through.
I Love You, Man...7/10