My costume would be so bad ass. The way I see it in my head it would look like THIS. That's my dad, he use to be a superhero back when times were different. That is me on the right, you could tell even back then I wanted to be just like him.
Back then we needed people like the Watchmen. Back then we needed people like my dad. Times are different now, people are different. People take things for granted, not like the good ole days where you could get a pop for a nickle and gas for a quarter. Its too dangerous out there today for caped crusaders like my dad. Its time someone steps up and becomes more like them, the Watchmen. Maybe me, maybe College Panda will risk my life to clean up the streets of this society. I am officially coming out as a Superhero, and will be known as College Panda. That's how you do it right?? You come out as a Superhero? Wait, maybe that's for something else?
Anyways I know you are all dying to get my take on the Watchmen after I see it today so I will let you know afterwards how it was.
I love you, Always, and Never

College Panda
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