So I woke up today and I looked at a few of my favorite websites and saw some great news. Mickey Rourke is officially signed on for Iron Man 2. This news was immediately negated when the next story I read was that Scarlett Johannson has also signed on for Iron Man 2. Am I upset with Jon Favreau for letting this happen? You are damn right I am. But to Favreau's credit, the casting for this role was initially a stroke of genius and was supposed to be Emily Blunt, but due to some conflicts Blunt had to back out. But Johannson is really your second choice? That is just awful. I mean not only is Emily Blunt way more talented than Johannson, but she is way better looking and does not do movies like "He's Just not That Into You." It is a real shame to think bout what could have been.
Then after I saw this story I logged on to the blog hoping and praying that College Panda's gay ass did not wake up before me and see the story first, but he did and of course he posted about it. Honestly, I read the first sentence of his post then just began to skim until I saw him talking about the character Pepper Potts. Now I know College Panda's blogging strategy is to just throw enough shit on the wall and hope it sticks, but do not let him fool you. When the first Iron Man came out Panda was not going to go see it, I had to convince him, much like most of the actual good movies the dbag has seen. Instead he went to go see the Incredible Hulk and was pumped about Tony Stark's cameo even though he had no clue what the hell it was about, LAME! So, finally he went and saw Iron Man and of course loved it. Not only did he love it, but he made the statement that "wow, I hated Paltrow before, but dude I got to say she looked hot." So do not let this kid blow smoke up your ass.
With that said, well done Marvel by casting Mickey Rourke (who will either be playing Crimson Dynamo or Whiplash) and it is a shame you followed that up with Scarlett "no talent" Johannson. I am not concerned though because when the rumors came out that she might be playing the role because Blunt could no longer do it, the Internet backlash was there with every movie blog upset because of her terrible performance in The Island and her inability to act well as a whole. So Marvel will feel the heat soon enough and that leaves me with some satisfaction. But honestly, I may not go see this movie in theaters because that is how much I dislike Scarlett Johannson.
Oh and let me stop College Pandas response before it starts, yes I did say I enjoyed Vicky Christina Barcelona and I enjoyed Scarlett in it, but she was way overshadowed by every other person in the movie. And yes you did say Paltrow looked hott in the first one and yes you did bad mouth Iron Man 2 before it came out, just like you are bad mouthing Terminator Salvation, but hey thats only because there is not glaring teenage angst love story involved in the movie and I don;t think College Panda thinks they guys in it are hot so that is why he is not excited about it.
P.S. (Becuase apparently we are doing P.S. now here at the UBP) College Panda make sure you do not see anymore new movies this month because you have already watched two things you have never seen before and that is about your monthly limit "movie fan"
Peace and hair grease,
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