Ok, how do I put this? Wow I thought I would give this show a shot, because I thought there Jimmy Fallon was pretty funny on SNL when he was on, then he disappeared for a while, I think I lost all respect for him when he did that movie with Queen Latifah (dont get me started on her), as I digress I promise I will get to my point. But as soon as they called his name on stage and he began his monolouge it went down hill from there. I was literally sitting there watching this dude struggle so bad to tell a joke it was embarrassing. I found myself waiting for someone to come out and interrupt him and be like ya this is a joke we were just kidding about this? You know how Micheal Scott from the office makes you feel sometimes when you are watching him, that feeling you get when its really hard for you to watch the show because you kind of feel bad for him. Thats how I felt the entire broadcast. The only reason I kept watching was to see Justin Timberlake. He brought out Robert De Niro before him and he literally had this look on his face the whole time he was on camera of complete and utter disinterest, like he was pissed at his agent for putting him through this. I wont even bore you with the clip he played of the "movie " they were in together, SPOILER ALERT, it sucked ass.
He brought on Justin Timberlake the entire time Justin was on I felt like I was watching that old SNL skit where Chris Farley was hosting that talk show, because Jimmy was like "hey Justin, remember when you were on SNL with me and we did that skit? Yea that was hilarious!! You remember that?". I've seen some aweful shows on TV but this show without a doubt takes the cake. I understand that it was his first show and he was probably nervous as hell, but it felt like he has never been on camera before in his life, and is maybe the worst interviewer I have ever seen. Hey Jimmy I get it man you were on SNL, you did some funny stuff on there, but it was pretty much because you had Tina Fey writing all your funny lines. Now look where people with REAL TALENT have gone and done after SNL. Its so bad I'm actually excited for Carson Daly coming up next.
I will be really truly surprised if this show doesn't get cancelled before it gets a full season in, its that awful. Right now worst show I've seen yet, congrats NBC you've made me forget how bad Heroes is now.
I love you always, and never
This is the worst god damned blog post I have ever read. Not once did I feel like you had any substance, and please never let me stumble across this pathetic blog again.