"It's official boy's I'm back!!" I don't know why I decided to use that very famous quote but I thought it was brilliant for this situation. It has been confirmed that Scarlett Johansson has replaced Emily Blunt in Iron Man 2, The Avengers, and other movies Marvel will connect. This is the best news I've heard since I got those test results back from the doctor. Let's just leave it at that... I love how Marvel is going after "Star Power" obviously following suit as to what The Dark Knight did, only this time Marvel went and got a beautiful gorgeous, sexy, someone who will more than fill out the sexy costume they will put her in and also look even better on a poster next to Robert Downey... Finally Iron Man is trying to make up for their mistake of casting Gwyneth Paltrow to play Pepper Potts.
I'm sorry, and I know Laef will have something to say about this but no one wants to look at an ugly-ass chick up there on screen when they could have easily gotten some hot ass chick to play that same role. I know it wasn't just me out there the first time I saw Iron Man and the first time Gwyneth came on the screen I made my bitter beer face . The same thing happened when I went to The Incredible Hulk and Liv Tyler came on the screen. I can see it now, all the executives sat down at their board meeting talking about who to replace Emily Blunt with,
"OK guys, we need someone to replace Miss Blunt, what are your thoughts?"
"Why dont we get Nicole Kidman?"
"Maybe Renee Zellweger?"
"How about Meryl Streep" (Laef thats for you buddy)
"Ya, Ya everyone loves Meryl!!!"
(Some young, brass, stud, wearing an Armani Black Suit, lets call him College Panda, walks into the board room, fashionably late of course. Everyone stops and turns to witness this handsome yet demanding spectacle. He pauses to let the crowd calm down, then he looks the board square in the eyes)
"How about we get someone hot, who can also act to play this part, we don't need these chicks who are "classically beautiful" ruining movies looking shitty. I mean how the hell am I supposed to believe a man like Tony Stark would ever fall for a chick that looks like she does in that movie?!" (The board looks at each other agreeably, as if to say, "why didn't I see that?")(College Panda Continues)
"Why the hell do you think Wanted did so well? Not cause it was a great movie, lets be honest with ourselves... Two words, Scarlett Johansson!!!"
(Boardroom stands up and cheers, hoisting College Panda above their heads as if he were a god, a legend, or a myth)
This is really how I heard it happened. But lets be honest Scarlett Johansson will not only look sexy as hell as Black Widow, but she is a proven actress who has the chops to pull it off. For those of you who think this is a bad choice (Laef) think about this. Did anyone really see Tony Stark being played by Robert Downey Jr? I mean when we heard about this Iron Man movie, the first name that came to my head was certainly not RDJ. And now look, we wouldn't have it any other way. So lets give her a chance and see how she does, then we can talk afterwards over a refreshing Miller High Life, remember the good old times Laef?
P.S. for those of you loyal UBP fans out there you are probably asking yourself "Who is this Haymes fellow who posted below College Panda's post?" Its OK, you should be asking yourself that, because that is like seeing a solar eclipse, once in a blue moon will you see Haymes posting on here. So don't be alarmed he is legit, but don't get used to it.
P.P.S. Haymes, I Laaa You
I Love You, Always, and Never

College Panda
I'm sorry, and I know Laef will have something to say about this but no one wants to look at an ugly-ass chick up there on screen when they could have easily gotten some hot ass chick to play that same role. I know it wasn't just me out there the first time I saw Iron Man and the first time Gwyneth came on the screen I made my bitter beer face . The same thing happened when I went to The Incredible Hulk and Liv Tyler came on the screen. I can see it now, all the executives sat down at their board meeting talking about who to replace Emily Blunt with,
"OK guys, we need someone to replace Miss Blunt, what are your thoughts?"
"Why dont we get Nicole Kidman?"
"Maybe Renee Zellweger?"
"How about Meryl Streep" (Laef thats for you buddy)
"Ya, Ya everyone loves Meryl!!!"
(Some young, brass, stud, wearing an Armani Black Suit, lets call him College Panda, walks into the board room, fashionably late of course. Everyone stops and turns to witness this handsome yet demanding spectacle. He pauses to let the crowd calm down, then he looks the board square in the eyes)
"How about we get someone hot, who can also act to play this part, we don't need these chicks who are "classically beautiful" ruining movies looking shitty. I mean how the hell am I supposed to believe a man like Tony Stark would ever fall for a chick that looks like she does in that movie?!" (The board looks at each other agreeably, as if to say, "why didn't I see that?")(College Panda Continues)
"Why the hell do you think Wanted did so well? Not cause it was a great movie, lets be honest with ourselves... Two words, Scarlett Johansson!!!"
(Boardroom stands up and cheers, hoisting College Panda above their heads as if he were a god, a legend, or a myth)
This is really how I heard it happened. But lets be honest Scarlett Johansson will not only look sexy as hell as Black Widow, but she is a proven actress who has the chops to pull it off. For those of you who think this is a bad choice (Laef) think about this. Did anyone really see Tony Stark being played by Robert Downey Jr? I mean when we heard about this Iron Man movie, the first name that came to my head was certainly not RDJ. And now look, we wouldn't have it any other way. So lets give her a chance and see how she does, then we can talk afterwards over a refreshing Miller High Life, remember the good old times Laef?
P.S. for those of you loyal UBP fans out there you are probably asking yourself "Who is this Haymes fellow who posted below College Panda's post?" Its OK, you should be asking yourself that, because that is like seeing a solar eclipse, once in a blue moon will you see Haymes posting on here. So don't be alarmed he is legit, but don't get used to it.
P.P.S. Haymes, I Laaa You
I Love You, Always, and Never

College Panda
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