So it is the week several people have been waiting for, and by several i mean several people I know, which usually does not translate literally to an actual several people. Watchmen week. The adaptation of the greatest graphic novel of all time (according to people who are not me. I have not read anywhere near enough books. let lone graphic novels to make this claim) comes out this Friday. With that said i figured I would fill people in on some of the movies I am most anticipating this spring (spring only, I am not including the summer blockbuster season on this). I have no clue how many movies I am going to put on this, but they will be in order of release date.
March 6th.
Watchmen - Now I would be lying if I said that I have finished reading the graphic novel, because I haven't, but I will before Friday. I have read mixed reviews about this one, but for what its worth almost all of the reviews were from people who read the book. The consensus seems to be that it is a good movie, but it does not fit everything from the book into it. With that said, it runs 2 hours and 40 minutes, but the DVD will have the 3 and a half hour original directors version, so that is something to look forward to. At any rate, I still think this is going to be the most visually entertaining movie of the year, not to mention one of the best overall movies period.
March 13th
Last House on the Left - I am not a huge horror fan and I have not seen the original version of this movie but the trailer for this movie (see it here) looks unbelievable. The original came out in 1972 and was written and directed by Wes Craven. Supposedly it is one of the more bloody films of all time. The premise is something that I think a lot of people have thought about before for a horror film. Basically, the good guys fight back against the bad guys and the majority of the blood and guts comes from the good guys inflicting the pain onto the bad guys. Pretty awesome. Just so you know the trailer features the greatest rendition of sweet child of mine ever created.
March 6th.
Watchmen - Now I would be lying if I said that I have finished reading the graphic novel, because I haven't, but I will before Friday. I have read mixed reviews about this one, but for what its worth almost all of the reviews were from people who read the book. The consensus seems to be that it is a good movie, but it does not fit everything from the book into it. With that said, it runs 2 hours and 40 minutes, but the DVD will have the 3 and a half hour original directors version, so that is something to look forward to. At any rate, I still think this is going to be the most visually entertaining movie of the year, not to mention one of the best overall movies period.
March 13th
Last House on the Left - I am not a huge horror fan and I have not seen the original version of this movie but the trailer for this movie (see it here) looks unbelievable. The original came out in 1972 and was written and directed by Wes Craven. Supposedly it is one of the more bloody films of all time. The premise is something that I think a lot of people have thought about before for a horror film. Basically, the good guys fight back against the bad guys and the majority of the blood and guts comes from the good guys inflicting the pain onto the bad guys. Pretty awesome. Just so you know the trailer features the greatest rendition of sweet child of mine ever created.
It is not too often that a movie like this has a trailer that gets me excited to the point where I want to see it in the theaters, but I will be there when this comes out.
(Side Note --- Another movie called Sunshine Cleaning comes out this weekend and may be something more interesting for the female persuasion if you will. But for the guys, Emily Blunt and Amy Adams might just convince you to take a look. Follow the link for the trailer.SUNSHINE CLEANING.
March 20th
I Love you Man - Paul Rudd, Jason Segel and Rashida Jones. Need I say more? If anyone has seen Forgetting Sarah Marshall or How I Met Your Mother knows that Jason Segel is the most underrated member of the Apatow crew. As for Rudd, he gets another shot at leading man after his genius role in Role Models last fall. Get excited for this, because I have a feeling this could be the second funnies movie of the year (after Funny People) if all the cards fall into place and Segel can match his performance in Sarah Marshall.
SIDE NOTE - Also check out "The Great Buck Howard"....anything with John Malkovich is promising
March 27th
Adventureland - College Panda has already talked about this movie in an earlier post and he posted the redband trailer, but I have to be honest, where I do respect Panda for actually putting something up that did not consist of chick flicks or homosexual hints, the normal trailer for this film is much better than the redband.
April 3rd
Alright so there are really two movies coming out this weekend that I am probably going to see. The first is the new Fast and Furious movie, yes it is a total cheap thrill or guilty pleaseure, whatever you want to call it, but I dare you to tell me that the trailer is not intriguing. The second is a movie called Gigantic, with Zooey Deschanel and Paul Dano. Honestly, this movie looks like your basic romantic comedy that is trying to take a quirky twist on things, well lucky for them I am a sucker for these sort of things.
April 10th
Observe and Report - This movie is Paul Blart: Mall Cop, but with funny people at the helm. Observe stars Seth Rogen and Anna Farris. Rogen plays a mall security guard trying to catch a man who exposes himself to people in the mall parking lot (Basically the autobipgrpahy of college panda). Rogen has to compete with local law enforcement, headed by Ray Liotta, in order to catch this criminal.
So initially I started this post with every intention of putting all of the movies that you should see this spring, but then I realized that there are a shit ton and that putting them all up now would be ridiculous and long. So, it is going to be at least a two part entry with the second part coming sometime later this week. Stay tuned.....
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