So I feel like continuing this argument with Haymes would only benefit his writing on this blog because the mere fact that I retaliated to his Pittsburgh post forced him to actually write something with some substance and not just random pointless videos. With that said, I will not discuss sports, because well that was the point of my "Nobody cares" post, that this is not a sports blog. The only thing I am going to mention is the ridiculous poll Haymes has up for the "Worst Show on Television." First of all, Amazing Race? I guess the handful of Emmy's that they have won are completely irrelevant. Plus, correct me if I am wrong but the show is a giant treasure hunt, seems pretty damn cool to me. Then he has the Big Bang Theory, which I only watch because it is on before How I Met Your Mother, but it is very very funny. Next we have Kings, and yes I did give it a 6/10 in my review of the premiere, but I have watched every episode since because as I said in my review the show has promise. And to be honest, I enjoy the show and I think that there are some really good plot lines to develop. And can we get some shows from VH1 and MTV on that list? Oh that's right you watch those shows, which completely disqualifies you from making a list of terrible shows.
But for now I have to go because I am too busy laughing at The Big Bang Theory as I write this.
Hopefully this ends this ridiculous argument because let's be honest this post was neither effective nor funny.
*Damn pride, just couldn't let this one go could ya?*
good day
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