I realize that any list of "top movies" no matter what the topic is going to be hotly debated and everybody is going to have their own opinion. With that said, I don't give a shit what you think. Now this list of the top 5 comedies is something that I have stewed over for quite some time, and by stewed over I mean me and College Panda had a discussion about it over the phone yesterday for about 10 minutes. Basically I feel like I should get on here and put some of these lists up here before College Panda does and starts putting movies like He's Just Not That Into You in a top comedies list. Oh, and these are not in any particular order.
~ Wedding Crashers ~
I don't know about you, but I tend to forget about this movie sometimes because of all the great comedies that have come out since then courtesy of Judd Apatow and co. Then I realize i went to go see this movie three times in theaters, Reye you were there, and I remember how much I love it despite the fact that stupid girls and duschbag guys nearly ruined this classic by repeating all of the unfunny lines in this movie because they thought they were funny. Well guess what, you weren't.
~ Knocked Up ~
Katherine Hiegl - "Ok, so here it goes, I'm pregnant"
Seth Rogen - "Fuck off"
I do not think I have ever laughed this hard at a movie the first time I saw it. Nearly every word uttered in this movie had me rolling on the ground.
~ 40 Year Old virgin~
Steve Carrell, Paul Rudd and Seth Rogen. Three of the funniest men in America all in one movie. Does not get much better than that. well I guess it does, because every supporting actor in that movie only adds to the laughs.
~ Tommy Boy ~
This movie holds a place in my heart as the first movie I can remember seeing in theaters that I really thought was hilarious. And I can watch the whole movie repeating every line in it, that has to count for something. What would the world of comedy look like today if Chris Farley had never died? We will probably never see physical comedy the same way again.
~ Big Lebowski ~
Classic movie with almost as many quotable lines as any movie you will see. Really great when you think about the fact that the only true comedic actor in the movie was John Goodman.
Honorable Mentions
- Forgetting Sarah Marshall
- Anchorman
- Dumb and Dumber
- Superbad
- Billy Madison
- Happy Gilmore
- Old School
Go F*ck yourself San Diego,
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