My Search Is Over

I grew up in a time, where action movies and cheap thrills at the box office were an American staple (eg: Cliffhanger). But now a days it seems our world is struggling for that next action hero to come into Hollywood and provide me with the action packed cheap thrill I need and deserve. Despite Dwayne "the Rock" Johnsons last couple of movies, i still think he has potential, but he remains in quesiton on account of Race to Witch Mountain and the Game Plan. Daniel Craig has done a fine job in the Bond movies but I don't know if he plans to stray away from that franchise. Also if I'm not mistaken, during the shooting of Quantum of Solace he brought up the fact that Bond should potentially be a homosexual. Wow! Interpret that however you want. I want a muscular atractive strong jawed average height middle aged man to come onto the screen and shoot people with weapons and get in sweet hand to hand combat and make a living off of it. Is that too much to ask? I dont think it is.
With that said, I want to endorse my pick for the next generations action hero: Thomas Jane. After seeing Thomas Jane in the Punisher, I have been calling, nigh begging, for him to do more movies in which he kicks ass, because he does kick ass. I thought he would have been a better choice for max payne instead of Marky Mark. But I digress. When I heard he did not sign on for the second punisher film I was devestated. Ray Stevenson was freakin bad ass but I loved what Thomas Jane brought to that movie. Now that I have prefaced myself, I want to share two movies coming out starring Thomas Jane that have given me a raging hard on.
The first one has just recently been brought to my attention by none other than Laef. Its called "Give em Hell Malone". I dont even need a trailer. Just look at the title of the movie and tell me it wont be bad ass. Then tell me Thomas Jane is playing Malone. I'm there opening night for sure. Well not opening night, because Loews theater in the Waterfront is 5 bucks Mon-Thurs so i'll be there the following week. In case you havent seen the teaser for this movie and you do not trust my judgement, here it is.. .
Enjoy these two trailers...Mutant Chronicles comes out April 24th and I have no clue when Give em Hell Malone comes out....Dont thank me for these, thank Thomas Jane
-Ole Painless
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