Laef buddy I wish I was there with you man, we could go out the Ghill and grab a drink, I would bring Jess Allison, and you could bring Whitney, it would be just like old times. Well I mean old times would be me with a chick and then you making out with Whitney and then getting your dick teased at the end of the night, but you get it... Let me be the first to buy you a drink, I should have a tab still running out there, just check with them, they owe me for what I did for that place.
Your Probably wondering about the banner pic, I typed in Laef in yahoo images and this came up, it was either this or a pic of a leaf spelled wrong. I thought this was more fitting.
Really though congrats buddy, thats awesome.
P.S. I Laaa You
I love you, always, and never,
College Panda
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