So here we go I will start with number 5 and move to number 1:
#5 (TIE) Boys & Girls/4 Weddings and a Funeral
This list was so hard that I didnt want to leave any off so I had to make a tie for 5th. Ill start with Boys&Girls. For those of you who know the Panda you know my sheer passion for anything FPJ. And as much as it kills me to have to choose from all of his brilliant masterpieces, Boys&Girls was my favorite. To me it had the most substance, the best story, and the hottest girl, Claire Forlani. The chemistry on screen between FPJ and Claire Forlani, is something that truly is only in the movie. But it also made me believe that true love exists and that is something you can never take away from me.
Four Weddings and a Funeral. I know there are probably some people reading this who have never seen this movie. First of all whenever Hugh Grant is in a movie you can count me in. This man is so unbelivably charming in this movie I find myself watching it and questioning my own sexuality. The brilliance of the plot and the comedic moments in this movie truly makes it an istant classic. Plus Andie Macdowell is in it and she looks pretty hot, and she is a great LI for Hugh Grant.
#4 The Holiday- Kate Winslet, Jack Black, Cameron Diaz, Jude Law
I really dont think I need to justify why this movie is on this list, I mean look at this cast. Besides my passionate hate for Cameron Diaz, everybody else in this movie is so good. First time I watched this I was iffy as to whether Jack Black could deliever in a role like this, and wow does he ever. Jude Law of course is as charming as ever, besides McConaughey and of course FPJ he is the best suited for roles the this genre. Of all the movies on this list this is the best "feel good" movie of the bunch.
#3 Wicker Park- Josh Hartnett and Diane Kruger
First off, this is the only movie on the list that isnt somewhat of a comedy. This is pure drama and passion at its finest. This movie is so brilliantly written and the way it comes together in the end with "The Scientist" by Coldplay, playing and seeing Josh Hartnett finally see Diane Kruger again, I really cry evertime I see it. Wow, I'm telling you this movie is so so good. If it wasnt for my love of romantic comedies this movie would be right at the top of my list. And plus I have a man crush on Josh Hartnett, thats not gay is it?
#2 How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days- Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson
You want to talk about the ultimate Chick Flick actor of all time Matthew McConaughey!! This guy brings it in every role he's in. Lets go through the list, Fools Gold, CHECK! The Wedding Planner, CHECK! EDTV, CHECK! Sarhara(the movie that officially put me on the bad wagon), CHECK! Finally his break out role in Two For The Money, CHECK! CHECK!. To be honest this script does have its holes, but with a guy like McConaughey in there with his wit and charm championing this movie along there is no looking back. Kate Hudson is absolutely adorable in this movie and makes me want to find a girl like that, Laef knows what I'm talking about, he is currently searching for one right now. The scene where they are in the shower and the look Hudson gives McConaughey, can I have that with Scarlett, I mean it sucks now because she is with Ryan, I guess Ill take Meghan Fox as a backup. I respect the sanctity of Marriage. Haha I couldnt help but laugh at that statement.
#1 (Drumroll Please!!!) She's Just Not That Into You!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Was there any doubt to those who know the Panda that this was going to be my number one? I said from the second I saw that trailer that this was going to be my favorite chick flick of all time, and it didnt disappoint. Just like my prediction of how Hancock was before I saw it. Laef you know what I'm talking about. Of course Laef will say that because I am completely 100% in love with my girl Scarjo that I am biased. This is a valid point, but the sheer fact of the matter is that our beloved Laef hasn't seen this movie, and I have along with $84,644,583 worth of people, no big deal or anything. But I dont need huge numbers like this to prove my point. The sheer fact is that this script is so perfectly right on that I found myself nugging the hottie right next to me whispering "that is soooo you!!", then two minutes later thinking and laughing to myself man that is sooo me. I mean every relationship sterotype you can think of happens to one of the characters in this movie and is portrayed so honestly, so brilliantly, so passionately. And to combat Laef's argument regarding my bias, this isnt even really Scarjo's movie. I mean ya she looks fucking gorgeous in it, but its really all about Justin Long and Ginnifer Goodwin relationship. By the wayGoodwin's performance in this movie will make guys second guess the way they act in relationships and realize a good thing when it comes along. I just want to publically say thank you to all the performaces in this movie. It truly is a masterpiece and is NO DOUBT, not the group, the greatest Chick Flick of all time. Here it is the trailer that sold me, the trailer I watched and knew. Its like love at first site, I saw this trailer from across the room and knew it was the one:
Honorable Mentions: 40 Days 40 Nights, She's All That, Summer Catch, Notting Hill, The Wedding Planner
I Love You, Always, And Never
College Panda
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