Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Square Root Day to all you math geeks!!!

I was enjoying one of my last 75 degree Las Vegas days when I realized I had an extra movie pass that I needed to use ASAP since I'm moving Saturday. So I took a gander at the weekend box office numbers to see what was hott. Much to my dismay the top 3 movies were Tyler Perry's "Madea Goes To Jail" and "Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience" and "Slumdog Millionaire". Yikes.

I was genuinely excited for Perry's TV show "House of Payne" and that ending up disappointing beyond any stretch of my imagination soo "Madea Goest To Jail", sorry not a chance. Fool me once strike one, but fool me twice, strike three. Next on the list was the Jonas Brothers movie and I think they are on their 14th minute of fame by now so I kind of wanted to check that out before their time runs out. But then I remembered after watching this that there are only 3 brothers and Alec Baldwin is NOT a Jonas so I lost all interest.

Which left me with the face of this years Oscars "Slumdog Millionaire". For whatever reason I kept on bypassing this movie every time I went to the movies. My parents, my friends, even the Academy were telling me how awesome this movie was but I tuned them out. I had read all about it and the story didn't fascinate me too much. But there was nothing else out there and I'm not one to pass up on a free gift so I Slumdogged it.

From start to finish this movie kept my interest. Even the seemingly unnecessary but apparently traditional Indian dance scene at the end was nice to see the actors get loose a little. The story had me laughing, on the edge of my seat and even almost asking the old lady next to me for a kleenex. Not to give too much away if you haven't seen it but the way that the intertwined the main characters story with the Who Wants to be a Millionaire was brilliant. Even though I'm the farthest thing from a sellout, from the list of movies of 2008 that I saw "Slumdog Millionaire" was the best. While I'm still disappointed in your '02, '04 and '07 Best Picture choices you absolutely got this one right Academy.

And College Panda I have to agree with what you said about Late Night with Fallon. The segment he just did with having 3 audience members come up on stage and lick something for $10 sounded promising but then the 3 things were a brand new lawnmower, a brand new copier/printer, and a fishbowl. Totally boring and not funny at all, i kept waiting for something funny to happen but it never came. And Fallon was shaking the whole show and looking very uncomfortable. NBC is going to have a hell of a time cleaning up this trainwreck of a talkshow if Fallon doesn't get it together. But if they do need help cleaning up a wreck they should check with Salt Lake City who I heard just got finished cleaning up Lee Redmonds accident 3 weeks ago. If you don't get it, click on the Lee Redmond link.

"These days are like calendar comets, you wait and wait and wait for them, then they brighten up your day — and poof — they're gone," said Ron Gordon, a Redwood City, California teacher who started a contest meant to get people excited about Square Root Day.

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