From here this is really where the show takes off, David is immediately sent to the capital city of Shiloh where he is honored with a banquet and a job by the King as a thank you to him for saving his sons life.
This show is absolutely stunning visually. As a fan of HD broadcast I couldn't have been happier with NBC's broadcast, the images were bright, colorful and really came to life and made Shiloh look gorgeous.
This show has so much potential and already from the two hour premiere we have already learned that there is much more to these characters than meet the eye. Which to me is excellent, and the characters in the show are so brilliantly cast and really make you interested and excited to watch. It gives you so much and from seeing the scenes regarding the rest of the season I am excited as hell and cant wait for next Sunday.
Kings gives you everything and more you could want. Greed, power, war, excellent LI's and secret LI's, betrayal and what is going to be great to watch and King Silas's rise and fall from the thrown and how fast David will rise to power, or will he become a pawn in Jack Benjamin's game to get back at David for stealing the position in the Kingdom he wanted but his father (King Silas) gave it to David. Also people going behind the King's back to try and bring him down and in turn revealing even more about the king's past, as well as the pasts of all the other characters. Thank you NBC for doing something right and giving us a show that will carry you through into the summer. Thank you Michael Green (Exec Producer) for realizing that Heroes is a shitty show and that you better do something good or you will be out on the streets after Heroes gets the ax. Please do yourself a favor and go to nbc.com and watch season 1 ep 1 of Kings. I promise you that you will not be disappointed.
One more thing, the way they ended this pilot episode was something of brilliance. I literally had tears in my eyes. David is overlooking the ocean when looks up and is surrounded by butterflies (which is an underlying theme of the show where King Silas claims that butterflies sent from god formed a crown on his head, he saw this as a sign from god to rebuild Shiloh and become its king) and like Silas explained the butterflies formed a crown on top of Davids head. Then the camera cut to Silas's face watching this scene from his house and the look of anger and fright came over his face, its as if god was telling him that his time was up and his reign was over. It gave me goosebumps and made me say WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Kenny WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
I Love You, Always, and Never,
College Panda
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