Thursday, March 5, 2009

"The World Will Look Up and Shout "Save Us!"...And I'll Whisper "NO!""

Finally finally finally the day is upon us that The Watchmen comes to a theater near you. I cant tell you how very excited I am for this film. I think I have been looking forward to seeing this movie more than I was for the Dark Knight, and that's saying a lot!!!

I literally just finished the book and went right to the computer to talk about it. My boss is sitting right behind me probably thinks I'm a loser but when he hired me that was the first thing I told him so he really shouldn't be that surprised. Anyways, the book was absolutely incredible, I mean this being only my second "Graphic Novel" I have ever read I really don't have much to compare it to. The detail not only in the drawings but in the story as well, it was extremely well thought and and brilliantly pieced together.

I really truly love the entire book, and I wont say too much more about it because Laef has already warned me about giving away what happens in my pre-movie review. I will say this however, that I really was disappointed in how they ended it in the book. I mean I hear the ending in the movie isn't the same as the book, and I really hope that is the case. I would be extremely disappointed if they stayed true to that ending in the movie. I think from the books standpoint they gave us way too much brilliance throughout the book to go out like that, it to me was as if they were playing it safe, or weren't sure on how to end it? It seemed rushed and just thrown together. Other than that the ending hasn't deterred me from wanting to see this masterpiece one bit.

Fuck the reviews out there, I saw Rotten Tomatoes yesterday had it tracking at like 68%. Fuck the reviewers on that site anyways, most of them are like Laef, and if the movie isn't some "Indy" flick that no one will see they wont give the movie to time of day. They bash it because it has money and advertising power that people like that don't respect so they bash it. Movies like The Watchmen are like the Rich Kid In School that everyone knows is rich as shit. They treat him differently and make fun of him all time just for being rich. Even though hes just as good, probably better than the smaller/poorer "Indy" flicks that Laef loves so much.

Its time that the Rich Kid came out and play, and you will see him playing in full Force this weekend easily taking the top spot, my personal prediction is 75 million. Although I think it could even see numbers of around 80 million when its all said and done. Just another 100 million dollar blockbuster in the BIZZANK!!!! No big deal!!! I have posted my favorite Watchmen Trailer below just because I love you, and it gives my chills:

I Love You Always, And Never!!,

College Panda

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