Monday, March 16, 2009

You have got to be kidding me...

Despite the unnecessary attacks on my work that I have suffered from my colleague and past PIC(Partner In Crime) College Panda I planned on taking the high road and continue on ignoring him and what he writes, probably just like the rest of you. But after suffering through the 2 hour premiere of Kings last night and then reading how Panda is praising this show because of how bright the images were, and the secret Love Interests, I have to respond.

There were some things about Kings that I liked and some things that I didn't like. First off at no point during the whole show was I on the edge of my seat eager to find out whats going to happen next. Everything seemed pretty laid out and easy to predict. Which is pretty unusual considering this was a PILOT episode. Keeping the audience guessing and anxious about whats going to happen in the next scene or even the next episode so they can draw in an audience and have people talking at the water coolers the next day are what pilots are for.

One thing I did enjoy was the acting. Ian McShane in particular as the King. He was a beast on Deadwood and he gives his all again this time. The main character Chris Egan, and the Kings daughter Allison Miller could end up having a pretty solid LI. But their love is sure to be derailed once or twice by her father or brother and who has never seen that story line played out before, think Hogan Knows Best. As for the rest of the cast there is nothing else to really say. The King's son is a screw up who likes to go out and party and bangs anything that walks. There is some weirdo preacher who the King listens to who doesn't seem to belong at all. The King's wife is probably the least interesting character. Her main storyline this episode was her trying to find her cell phone. No joke.

Bottom line-The only reason I continued watching this for the 2 hours was because I planned on writing about it. If I had no loyalty to this blog or a responsibility to bring the truth to my fans I would have turned it off after the opening scene. Sadly the great McShane is not going to be able to carry this mess through a whole season. Better luck next time NBC.

So that turned out being a little bit more of a review than a College Panda bashing. What can I say I'm just a stand up guy. I will get off Ryan Cabreras tip for a moment to bring you something from another former Simpson family LI, this time my boy Nick Lachey. I dedicate this one to you College Panda.

I Cant Hate You Anymore - Various Artists

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